
Mythic Quest keeps facing real gaming industry issues with a smile | PC Gamer - mcminnforperfatim

Mythic Bay keeps cladding historical gaming industry issues with a smile

Mythic Quest
(Double recognition: Ubisoft)


PC Gamer magazine

(Image mention: Future)

This article first appeared in PC Gamer magazine issue 358 in July 2021. Monthly we run exclusive features exploring the world of PC play—from covert previews, to incredible profession stories, to fascinating interviews, and many.

Mythic Quest is a workplace sitcom about the dev team up behind the most popular (fictional) MMORPG in the world. We talked to some of the actors and creators behind the render (which is co-produced past Ubisoft Film & Television) roughly the serious game manufacture issues it tackles with humour, how gamers and developers get responded to the show, and if there are whatsoever similarities between making a game and making a show about a game.

In Mythic Quest's pilot episode, the squad was scrambling to whole its first expansion, called Raven's Banquet, and harden two similarly begins with the gang hard busy along the next expansion: Heavyweight's Rift. And in some ways, IT sounds equivalent devising the second season of a boob tube show might non be every last that diametric from releasing a new expansion for a common game. Viewers, like players, privation something spic-and-span and stunning, but there's some risk in straying too far from the formula fans have seminal fluid to expect.

(Image credit: Ubisoft)

"What we've detected from our partners at Ubisoft is that gamers hate when you change anything about the game, merely they likewise detest when you leave it the same," says Mythic Quest cocreator, enforcement producer and writer Megan Ganz. We're a fickle bunch.

"And that can be true up of Television set, too," says Ganz, a vet of long-gushing shows like It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia and Community. "You'Re equitation that line where it feels bran-new and galvanizing, but it also standing feels like the game that they every last fell in love with."

At the same time, a new season (and perhaps a game elaboration) provides a bit much room for creativity. "The overnice matter well-nig a second base season of a TV show is that you've done totally your work in the first season, your heavy lifting of setting up the characters and the situations, and making people fall in jazz with these characters," says Ganz. "And in the second season you just get to get fun."

Zoom or burst

Game development ISN't just used as a backdrop in Mythological Request. In just the second sequence it was already smartly taking on some real material issues in the gaming industry, such as when the dev squad discovered that white supremacists absolutely loved playing Mythic Quest. Another episode touched along how developers are forced to crunch to take on unrealistic deadlines. A special filmed and released during the COVID19 pandemic efficaciously showed not just the struggles of working from home (much As difficult to teach old writer CW Longbottom how to use a webcam) but the very real issues of isolation and uncertainty.

We didn't want to gloss finished the fact that it's hard to be a woman in the games industry"

And several episodes have self-addressed how hard information technology can be for women and people of colour in the typically white male submissive industry.

Ashly Burch, who gamers already know from her lots of roles in games like the Borderlands series and Aliveness is Oddish, plays QA quizzer Rachel on Mythic Quest, and also writes for the show. Her years of experience in the gaming diligence went a long direction toward ratting the scripts and broaching these very real topics.

"Especially at the beginning of season one when I came in as a writer, that was a huge part of what I tried to bring around the writer's room, that perspective on the gaming industry and gaming culture," says Burch.

"And everyone on the read was real dedicated to nerve-wracking to make Mythological Quest both a love letter to games merely too accurate," Burch continues. "We didn't want to hush up the fact that information technology's hard to be a cleaning lady in the games industriousness, or that IT's hard to represent a person of vividness in the games industry sometimes."

(Image credit: Ubisoft)

Actor Imani Hakim, who plays Dana, another of Mythic Bespeak's QA testers, agrees. "The good affair is, this is a comedy so we're able to fishing gear these subjects and stool them sick and find the humour within all of that," Hakim told U.S.A. "And it wouldn't cost fair to make a show about gaming without talk about those adversities that women face in the gaming diligence, and people of colour, we do talk about it. We don't crusade it in your facial expressio, but it's something that we'ray able to tell within the tarradiddle, with humour. You will definitely see to a greater extent of that [in temper ii]. It's authentic to the story."

Burch adds that another radical was happy to see themselves echoic in the evince: QA testers, whose dedication oft goes unknown. "I've definitely had people on my Twitter provender say, thank you, I'm a QA tester, and we definitely feel wish we'Ra at the prat of the totem terminal, and it was really nice to see the States represented in the show!"

Mythic Quest

(Pictur credit: Ubisoft)

And gamers give their feedback, overly. Net ball's face it, if you piddle a sitcom about a paper company, you're plausibly not passing to hear from tens of thousands of paper party employees. But if you make a read about games, you'rhenium definitely releas to hear from gamers.

"I think we were really cognisant of that from the identical beginning," says Charlotte Nicdao, who plays Poppy Li, atomic number 27-creative director of the game. "And I cognise that during the exploitation of the show one of the things that the writers and producers really hot to do was make up a show that was non making fun of gamer culture. The feedback that I've gotten is that the community sees that and it's all been real positive," she says. "And it's also been real cool to see to it all these actual game developers on Chirrup talk about how a good deal of this is very, very surgical to what their jobs are.

"It's fun to devi feel like we've been capable to tie therewith community. That was always something that we wanted to do."

Christopher Livingston

Chris started playing PC games in the 1980s, started writing all but them in the early on 2000s, and (finally) started getting paid to write about them in the late 2000s. Favourable a few days as a regular freelancer, PC Gamer employed him in 2014, belik so he'd stop emailing them asking for to a greater extent work. Chris has a love-hate relationship with survival games and an unhealthy fascination with the inner lives of NPCs. Atomic number 2's also a fan of quirky pretense games, mods, and ignoring storylines in RPGs so he can piss up his own.


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